衛仲樂 [Wei Chong Loh] - 琵琶, 古琴, 二胡, 簫, 笛子 (pipa, guqin, erhu, xiao, dizi) - LP: Lyrichord LL 72

2022-06-30 35

Chinese Classical Music, played on ancient instruments by Professor Wei Chung Loh
LP: Lyrichord LL 772

琵琶, 古琴, 二胡, 簫, 笛子 獨奏: 衛仲樂 [Wei Chong Loh]

1938年衛仲樂和許光毅等人應香港婦女救濟傷兵會之邀舉行了兩場音樂會,同年又參加了國際紅十字會所屬美國醫藥助花卉組織的“中國文化劇團”赴美國演出,協助美國醫藥援華局募捐善款,1938年10月至1939年5月,他在美國多個大城市舉辦了音樂會。於1939年錄製及發行了四張(八面)唱片(78轉), 共八首作品, 全都收錄在這唱片內。

00:00 A1 -《歌舞引》[Ge Wu Yin] (Dance Prelude)
作曲 (Composed by): 劉天華 [Liu Tianhua]
琵琶獨奏 (Pipa solo)
"Ge Wu Yin" 《歌舞引》 (Prelude to Song and Dance) is a piece for solo pipa (琵琶, Chinese lute) by the Chinese composer Liu Tianhua (刘天华, 1895-1932). This piece, whose title has also been translated as "Dance Prelude" or "From the Opera," was composed in the spring of 1927. After attending a performance of an Italian opera with his wife, Liu was stimulated by the dance scenes, and this became the inspiration for this inventive piece.
(Thank you dbadagna to provide the note about this music piece. His Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/dbadagna/)

03:27 A2 -《飛花點翠》 [Fei Hua Dian Cui] (Flying Flowers Falling Upon Emerald-Green Grass/Drifting Blossoms [i.e., Snowflakes] Dot the Jade-Green [Pines])
琵琶獨奏 (Pipa solo)
1939年在美國錄音 (Recorded in 1939, USA)

06:59 A3 -《陽關三疊》[Yangguan Sandie] (Parting at Yang Kwan)
古琴獨奏 (Guqin solo)
1934年錄音 (Recorded in 1934)

10:41 A4 -《病中吟》[Bing Zhong Yin] (Soliloquy of a Convalescent)
作曲 (Composed by): 劉天華 [Liu Tianhua]
二胡獨奏 (Erhu solo)
1939年在美國錄音 (Recorded in 1939, USA)

14:04 B1 -《佛上殿》[Fo Shang Dian] / 妝台秋思 [Zhuang Tai Qiusi] (Temple Meditation)
簫獨奏 (Xiao solo)
1939年在美國錄音 (Recorded in 1939, USA)

16:51 B2 -《光明行》[Guang Ming Xing] (March/Marching On the Bright Road)
作曲 (Composed by): 劉天華 [Liu Tianhua]
二胡獨奏 (Erhu solo)

20:04 B3 -《醉漁唱晚》[Zui Yu Chang Wan] (The Drunken Fisherman)
七弦古琴獨奏 [Qi Xian Guqin Duzou] (solo for the 7-string guqin)
1939年在美國錄音 (Recorded in 1939, USA)

23:19 B4 -《鷓鴣飛》[Zhegu Fei] (The Flight of the Partridge)
笛子獨奏 (Dizi solo) - (Recorded 1939)
1939年在美國錄音 (Recorded in 1939, USA)